Join Satori Shakoor as she takes us on a ride through the change of life in her standup, storytelling concert, Confessions of a Menopausal Femme Fatale!
Hilarious. Triumphant. Warning: it's hot!
When: July 21 - 23
Detroit Public Theatre
3960 3rd Avenue Detroit, MI 48201
Attention all mobile users! We have received reports that purchasing tickets for Confessions of a Menopausal Femme Fatale on a mobile device is causing technical difficulties. We are urgently working with Eventbrite to correct the issue.
In the meantime, we highly recommend using a laptop or desktop computer to make your purchase, or scan the QR code to be directed to the purchase page. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience and willingness to pivot with us!
Feel free to email us for additional assistance: twistedtellers@gmail.com